Benefits can be free products, services or discounts on a specific item or the entire purchase, or any other promotions the business creates. At the POS, members can receive benefits when they perform any of these actions:
- Redeem gifts
- Redeem punch cards
- Use deals
Benefits can be defined by us using discount types, or they can be defined by the POS using item codes or deal codes.
Discount Type
You can define the benefit directly in the Como Hub, instead of in the POS. This benefit provides a discount on the entire purchase (not only specific items) and the discount can either be a fixed amount or a percentage.
- Fixed Amount: For Discount Params Sum, enter the amount you'd like to discount off the purchase (such as $5).
- Percent: For Discount Percent, enter the percentage such as 5 for 5%. You can also limit the amount of the discount in limit. For example, if the discount percent is 10% and the limit is $20, a member who purchases items totaling $300 will receive a discount of $20 instead of $30.
Item Codes
When item codes are used to represent a benefit, they can only be used to give a specific item (product or service) for free or at a discounted price.
For Gift Item Codes (in POS), enter the item codes for the benefits you'd like to give your member. For example, enter the item code for free coffee.
NOTE: You can add multiple item codes. For example, the business can offer more than one benefit, or if the business uses more than one POS company, each POS company will have a different item code for the same benefit.
Deal Codes
Deal codes activate the POS's promotion system and can represent benefits that are more sophisticated. For example, 5% off lighting or get a free tie with the purchase of any shirt.
For Gift Deal Codes (in POS), enter the deal codes for the benefits you'd like to give your member.
NOTE: You can add multiple deal codes (for different benefits, or for different POS companies a business uses).