Members are required to verify their identity when they log in as an existing members. This can occur if they log out from the app or customer portal, if they are registered as members from the business-side app or the Como Hub, or if they switch devices.
There are three login validation methods businesses can use: SMS, email, and custom.
SMS Login Validation
After the member taps to log in as an existing member, they enter their phone number and receive an SMS with the validation code. They then enter this validation code to log in.
To set up the SMS validation method:
- Add the phone number field to the registration form as a required field.
- From Business Profile > Registration
- Check login validation in the phone number filed
- Click Save.
NOTE: To implement login validation changes, you need to update the app and then save the customer portal again.
Email Login Validation
After the member taps to log in as an existing member, they enter their email address and receive an email with the validation code. They then enter this validation code to log in. Businesses may prefer this method over SMS validation since it’s cheaper and members may prefer to give their email instead of phone number.
To set up the email validation method:
- Add the email field to the registration form as a required field.
- From Business Profile > Registration
- Check login validation in the email filed
- Click Save.
NOTE: To implement login validation changes, you need to update the app and then save the customer portal again.
Custom Login Validation
The custom verification method allows members to verify their identity using two fields: one unique field (member ID, government ID, etc.) and another field (name, favorite branch, etc.).
NOTE: When members enter the custom values in the app, they must enter them exactly the same way as they did in the registration form (since it's case-sensitive).
To set up the custom validation method:
- Add the fields you plan on using for validation to the registration form as required fields.
- From Business Profile > Registration
- Disable login validation from phone number and email fields
- Click on Advanced Settings
- Select a unique field and an extra field for validation.
- Click Save.
NOTE: To implement login validation changes, you need to update the app and then save the customer portal again.
Card Activation
Some businesses are using physical cards as part of their loyalty club onboarding process. Users can activate their loyalty cards on the merchant customer portal.
To set up the card activation method:
- Add the fields you plan on using for validation to the registration form as required fields.
- From Business Profile > Registration
- Add CommonExtID filed to the registration form.
- Click on Advanced Settings
- Select an Identification field.
- Click Save.
NOTE: To implement card activation, you need to save the customer portal again to establish changes.